Part 4 >e Sacred Way You are standing on the Sacred Way, just outside a cave which is the traditional burial ground of the Shang emperors. There is a huge boulder blocking the entrance to the cave. The road leads either to the north, or back to the west. >n After an hour's walk, you arrive at an outpost along the Great Wall of China. Built around the fifth century B.C. to protect China from barbarian invaders, it is lined with towers at strategic points. Great Wall You are standing in an isolated outpost atop the Great Wall of China. The massive wall continues out of sight both to the east and the west, a supposedly impenetrable barrier between the civilized south and the barbarous north. A barbarian army is gathering on the other side of the wall preparing to test that impenetrability. Neither the outpost sentries nor their signalling horn are anywhere to be seen. The sentries have either been killed or, more likely, been bribed by someone to defect to the other side. >blow shell You blow into the conch shell and sound a long, high note. A few moments later you see a cloud of dust appearing on the horizon. As you wait, the cloud draws nearer and nearer, until you can see that it is an army of reinforcements, led by the emperor. When they arrive, the barbarian army abandons the effort to breach the wall and they disperse. The emperor sets a crew of men to the task of repairing the wall, and then he comes to you and says, "Here is my seal. It is a token of my debt to you." He kisses you on both cheeks and rides off, leaving behind some new guards to patrol the wall. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >s Sacred Way You are standing on the Sacred Way, just outside a cave which is the traditional burial ground of the Shang emperors. There is a huge boulder blocking the entrance to the cave. The road leads either to the north, or back to the west. >w Tientan Park You are standing in a small park just south of Peking's main gate and just north of a roadside shrine. The road leads off to the east. >s Shrine You are in a small roadside shrine just outside the gates of Peking. The wall here seems to shimmer. >in You press the button on the wristlet and the shimmering melts away to reveal a black rectangle that hovers in midair. You step through the hole in space and find yourself inside the interkron. Interkron The interkron is a cramped space full of dials and switches. Directly in front of you is a slot with a key card in it and a green light next to it. The display screen is taken up by a world map, and there are ten years highlighted next to it. Under the keyboard, a technician has scrawled on a piece of t ape, "To go to a new timeplace, type 'timeset,' followed by the name of the city and the year that you want to go to. Eg. Timeset Rome 44." >ts peking 452 You hear a low humming that slowly crescendos into a full-fledged roar. The interkron begins to shake and you become disoriented. You fall to the floor and pass out... When you awaken and struggle to your feet, you realize that you have travelled to Peking, in the year 452. >out Shrine You are in a small roadside shrine just outside the gates of Peking. The wall here seems to shimmer. >n Tientan Park China has split into three kingdoms, and this area is now ruled by the emperors of the Northern Wei dynasty. They are among the first in China to adopt Buddhism, and under their patronage, the religion is fast taking hold. You are standing in a small park just south of Peking's main gate and just north of a roadside shrine. The road leads off to the east. >n Marketplace This marketplace in the heart of the old city is crowded day and night with merchants and housewives. There is a ragged-looking priest here. The priest looks up at you and says, "Kind sir, we are hoping to build a fine temple on this spot one day. I hope you can find it in your heart to make a donation to our cause." >give emerald to priest The priest's mouth drops open at the generosity of your gift. He thanks you profusely, bows, thanks you again, takes a long look at you as if to fix your features in his mind, bows again, and then finally hurries off. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >s Tientan Park You are standing in a small park just south of Peking's main gate and just north of a roadside shrine. The road leads off to the east. >s Shrine You are in a small roadside shrine just outside the gates of Peking. The wall here seems to shimmer. >in You press the button on the wristlet and the shimmering melts away to reveal a black rectangle that hovers in midair. You step through the hole in space and find yourself inside the interkron. Interkron The interkron is a cramped space full of dials and switches. Directly in front of you is a slot with a key card in it and a green light next to it. The display screen is taken up by a world map, and there are ten years highlighted next to it. Under the keyboard, a technician has scrawled on a piece of t ape, "To go to a new timeplace, type 'timeset,' followed by the name of the city and the year that you want to go to. Eg. Timeset Rome 44." >ts peking 800 You hear a low humming that slowly crescendos into a full-fledged roar. The interkron begins to shake and you become disoriented. You fall to the floor and pass out... When you awaken and struggle to your feet, you realize that you have travelled to Peking, in the year 800. >out Shrine You are in a small roadside shrine just outside the gates of Peking. The wall here seems to shimmer. >n Tientan Park China is once more united as the Tang dynasty presides over the golden age of Buddhism. Poetry, painting, music and literature are all in full flower, and the talk of the empire is the fascinating and frightening new invention - fireworks. You are standing in a small park just south of Peking's main gate and just north of a roadside shrine. The road leads off to the east. >n Marketplace This marketplace in the heart of the old city is crowded day and night with merchants and housewives. You are standing outside a large temple. >e Buddhist Temple You have entered the hushed and perfumed atmosphere of a Buddhist temple. There is an enormous statue of Buddha here, and in the statue's navel is a huge emerald. On the wall hangs a portrait, and there is an exit in the east wall that leads to the sanctuary. The exit back to the street is to the west. There is a Buddhist priest here. >e The priest gets up to block your path, but as he does so he gives you a startled look. He looks at the portrait, and then at you. Then he says, "You are the reincarnation of the most holy founder. You are welcome in our sanctuary." He bows as you walk by, and then he follows you into the next room. Sanctuary You are in the temple's sanctuary. The only exit is to the west. The priest says, "This is where we make the objects we use in our celebrations. Right now, as you can see, we are creating a mask for the celebration of the new year. Inside, it is filled with fireworks. When you light it, smoke comes out of it's ears, then sparks fly from it's eyes, then it shoots up into the air like a rocket, until finally it explodes and disappears. The crowds always love it." [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >Ask priests for mask The priest gives you the mask. [Your score has just gone up by 5.] >w Buddhist Temple You have entered the hushed and perfumed atmosphere of a Buddhist temple. There is an enormous statue of Buddha here, and in the statue's navel is a huge emerald. On the wall hangs a portrait, and there is an exit in the east wall that leads to the sanctuary. The exit back to the street is to the west. The priest follows you back into the temple. >w Marketplace This marketplace in the heart of the old city is crowded day and night with merchants and housewives. You are standing outside a large temple. >s Tientan Park You are standing in a small park just south of Peking's main gate and just north of a roadside shrine. The road leads off to the east. >s Shrine You are in a small roadside shrine just outside the gates of Peking. The wall here seems to shimmer. >in You press the button on the wristlet and the shimmering melts away to reveal a black rectangle that hovers in midair. You step through the hole in space and find yourself inside the interkron. Interkron The interkron is a cramped space full of dials and switches. Directly in front of you is a slot with a key card in it and a green light next to it. The display screen is taken up by a world map, and there are ten years highlighted next to it. Under the keyboard, a technician has scrawled on a piece of t ape, "To go to a new timeplace, type 'timeset,' followed by the name of the city and the year that you want to go to. Eg. Timeset Rome 44." >ts peking 1215 You hear a low humming that slowly crescendos into a full-fledged roar. The interkron begins to shake and you become disoriented. You fall to the floor and pass out... When you awaken and struggle to your feet, you realize that you have travelled to Peking, in the year 1215. >out Shrine You are in a small roadside shrine just outside the gates of Peking. The wall here seems to shimmer. >n Tientan Park Under the Sung emperors, a once-civilized society has sunken into corruption and vice. Government officials can be bought and sold, priests are drunk in their temples, and the houses of ill repute are famed far and wide for the unlimited range of 'services' they provide their clients. You are standing in a small park just south of Peking's main gate and just north of a roadside shrine. The road leads off to the east. A Mongol warrior comes up to you and says, "Greetings, merchant from the west. The Great Khan cordially requests all who pass this way to come and meet him. I trust you do not wish to disappoint him." The man takes you by the arm and marches you off down the Sacred Way to the east. After a short distance, you come to the Mongol encampment. He opens the flap of one of the tents, pushes you inside, and says, "The Khan will be with you shortly. Please do not try to leave." His lips part in a toothy grin, and then he disappears. Genghis Khan's Tent You are in the tent of Genghis Khan. It is remarkably Spartan for such a powerful ruler, probably because the nomadic life of the Mongols requires that everything be maintained in a constant state of readiness for travel. The only way out is to the north. >n You stick your head outside the tent. Suddenly you hear a whooshing noise, and you pull your head back just in time to see the blade of an axe whistle by. The Mongol grins his toothy grin, and then winks at you. >wait 60 [I assume you mean 60 minutes.] Time passes... You look up and see Genghis Khan enter the tent. He is a weather-beaten man who looks as if he would be equally at home on a throne or in a saddle. He says, "Welcome, traveller. We have been camped here outside the gates of Cheng-du for many months, and so I am hungry for news of the outside world." He settles into the saddle and toys with the gold bracelet on his wrist. Then he continues, "We Mongols are nomadic by nature and I don't think I will be able to keep my men here much longer. But the city looks like it will never give in to our siege. At sundown today we shall give up and turn our attention to the west." He gives you a crafty look. "Unless, of course, a Westerner like yourself could get into the city for us and open up the gates. Then perhaps we would be content to settle here and leave Europe alone." Do you want to continue waiting? >y The Mongol leader stands up and leaves the tent. Do you want to continue waiting? >n >n Sacred Way You are standing on the Sacred Way, just outside a cave which is the traditional burial ground of the Shang emperors. There is a huge boulder blocking the entrance to the cave. Just off the road to the south is a field covered with tents. The road leads either to the north, or back to the west. >w Tientan Park You are standing in a small park just south of Peking's main gate and just north of a roadside shrine. The road leads off to the east. >say tower gate The guard takes a careful look around and sees that there are no Mongols in sight. Then the gate creaks open and an arm reaches out and pulls you inside. Parade Ground This is a parade ground just inside Peking's main gate, which lies to the south. To the north lies an open-air marketplace. About twenty soldiers are standing along the walls and guarding the gate. You see some soldiers here. >n Marketplace This marketplace in the heart of the old city is crowded day and night with merchants and housewives. You are standing outside a large temple which lies to the east and The House of a Thousand Pleasures, which is to the west. >w House of One Thousand Pleasures You are in the parlor of the House of a Thousand Pleasures. All the furnishings are opulent and lush, and everything around you gives the impression that this is a place dedicated to satisfying even the most particular tastes. The only exits are up and east. You see a madame here. As soon as you step inside the door, the Madame comes up to you, bows, and says, "Excuse me for asking, honorable sir, but recently we have had so much riff-raff in Cheng-du that regrettably we must ask all patrons to show us their money upon entering. Would you kindly do so now?" >Give yuan to madame You show the 1,000 yuan note to the woman. Her eyes widen. She plucks the note from your hand and then turns around and hits a gong. From upstairs, girls start pouring out of rooms, chasing their customers before them. They shepherd the hapless men down the stairs and out of the building. Then they line themselves up for your approval. The madame turns to you and says, "For 1,000 yuan you get the house special. All twenty women are yours for the evening. They will do whatever you wish." She looks you up and down and continues. "However, from the shape you're in, I'd be careful what you ask for. These girls could be the death of you." >girls, follow me The girls line up and prepare to follow you. >e Marketplace This marketplace in the heart of the old city is crowded day and night with merchants and housewives. You are standing outside a large temple which lies to the east and The House of a Thousand Pleasures, which is to the west. The twenty women parade along behind you. >s Parade Ground This is a parade ground just inside Peking's main gate, which lies to the south. To the north lies an open-air marketplace. About twenty soldiers are standing along the walls and guarding the gate. You see some soldiers here. The twenty women parade along behind you. The soldiers guarding the gate start to whistle in appreciation. The girls start to giggle. The madame asks, "I gather you have brought us here for the pleasure of these men. Am I correct?" >yes "Very well," she says. She turns and gives some instructions to the girls. They smile, and each of them picks out a soldier and disappears into a dark corner. Soon, there are no soldiers to be seen. >open gate The gate swings open. The Mongols - who were hiding just beyond the bend in the road - come swooping in. They take the city virtually unopposed. After the battle, Genghis Khan escorts you outside the gate and removes his bracelet. "So much for western soothsayers" he says. "You may keep this as a reward for your ef forts." He disappears inside the city and the massive gate swings shut. [Your score has just gone up by 30.] Tientan Park You are standing in a small park just south of Peking's main gate and just north of a roadside shrine. The road leads off to the east. >s Shrine You are in a small roadside shrine just outside the gates of Peking. The wall here seems to shimmer. Suddenly, the bracelet begins to glow. Then it disappears. >in You press the button on the wristlet and the shimmering melts away to reveal a black rectangle that hovers in midair. You step through the hole in space and find yourself inside the interkron. Interkron The interkron is a cramped space full of dials and switches. Directly in front of you is a slot with a key card in it and a green light next to it. The display screen is taken up by a world map, and there are ten years highlighted next to it. Under the keyboard, a technician has scrawled on a piece of t ape, "To go to a new timeplace, type 'timeset,' followed by the name of the city and the year that you want to go to. Eg. Timeset Rome 44." >ts peking 1519 You hear a low humming that slowly crescendos into a full-fledged roar. The interkron begins to shake and you become disoriented. You fall to the floor and pass out... When you awaken and struggle to your feet, you realize that you have travelled to Peking, in the year 1519. >out Shrine You are in a small roadside shrine just outside the gates of Peking. The wall here seems to shimmer. >n Tientan Park It is 150 years since the Buddhist monk Chu Yuan-chang drove the Mongol invaders out of China and founded the Ming dynasty. But the current emperor, Cheng-te, has abandoned the ascetic ways of his ancestor. He is a pleasure-seeker who likes nothing more than to stage elaborate parades through the city for the idle amusement of his subjects. You are standing in a small park just south of Peking's main gate and just north of a roadside shrine. The road leads off to the east. >n Marketplace This marketplace in the heart of the old city is crowded day and night with merchants and housewives. You are standing outside a large temple. A large crowd has gathered here. They appear to be waiting for some kind of procession. >wait Time passes... Suddenly a murmur goes through the crowd and a procession sweeps through the square like some ancient Mardi Gras parade. The emperor Cheng-Te is perched on a platform, throwing fortune cookies into the crowd. As the procession passes out of the square, the emperor throws one last cookie right at you, and it lands at your feet. >take cookie You take the fortune cookie. >open cookie You open the cookie and find a fortune inside. >read fortune "Things would be better if you were the seventh son of a seventh son." [Your score has just gone up by 1.] >s Tientan Park You are standing in a small park just south of Peking's main gate and just north of a roadside shrine. The road leads off to the east. >s Shrine You are in a small roadside shrine just outside the gates of Peking. The wall here seems to shimmer. >in You press the button on the wristlet and the shimmering melts away to reveal a black rectangle that hovers in midair. You step through the hole in space and find yourself inside the interkron. Interkron The interkron is a cramped space full of dials and switches. Directly in front of you is a slot with a key card in it and a green light next to it. The display screen is taken up by a world map, and there are ten years highlighted next to it. Under the keyboard, a technician has scrawled on a piece of t ape, "To go to a new timeplace, type 'timeset,' followed by the name of the city and the year that you want to go to. Eg. Timeset Rome 44." >ts peking 1588 You hear a low humming that slowly crescendos into a full-fledged roar. The interkron begins to shake and you become disoriented. You fall to the floor and pass out... When you awaken and struggle to your feet, you realize that you have travelled to Peking, in the year 1588. >out Shrine You are in a small roadside shrine just outside the gates of Peking. The wall here seems to shimmer. >n Tientan Park The reclusive emperor Wan-li has brought the Ming dynasty back to its religious roots. A new wave of asceticism and mysticism has swept the country, and the temples are once again houses of prayer tended by devout priests. You are standing in a small park just south of Peking's main gate and just north of a roadside shrine. The road leads off to the east. >n Marketplace This marketplace in the heart of the old city is crowded day and night with merchants and housewives. You are standing outside a large temple. >e Buddhist Temple You have entered the hushed and perfumed atmosphere of a Buddhist temple. There is an enormous statue of Buddha here, and in the statue's navel is a huge emerald. On the wall hangs a portrait. The exit back to the street is to the west. A solitary priest rocks back and forth on the floor in front of the statue. He is in some sort of trance and he is chanting the same words to himself over and over again. >listen The words - unintelligible to the priest himself - are, "Eventually you will acknowledge me as the master of the fourth dimension - time." [Your score has just gone up by 1.] >w Marketplace This marketplace in the heart of the old city is crowded day and night with merchants and housewives. You are standing outside a large temple. >s Tientan Park You are standing in a small park just south of Peking's main gate and just north of a roadside shrine. The road leads off to the east. >s Shrine You are in a small roadside shrine just outside the gates of Peking. The wall here seems to shimmer. >in You press the button on the wristlet and the shimmering melts away to reveal a black rectangle that hovers in midair. You step through the hole in space and find yourself inside the interkron. Interkron The interkron is a cramped space full of dials and switches. Directly in front of you is a slot with a key card in it and a green light next to it. The display screen is taken up by a world map, and there are ten years highlighted next to it. Under the keyboard, a technician has scrawled on a piece of t ape, "To go to a new timeplace, type 'timeset,' followed by the name of the city and the year that you want to go to. Eg. Timeset Rome 44." >ts peking 1798 You hear a low humming that slowly crescendos into a full-fledged roar. The interkron begins to shake and you become disoriented. You fall to the floor and pass out... When you awaken and struggle to your feet, you realize that you have travelled to Peking, in the year 1798. >out Shrine You are in a small roadside shrine just outside the gates of Peking. The wall here seems to shimmer. >n Tientan Park In the last months of Chien Lung's 63-year reign, the 88 year old emperor has retreated to the confines of the Forbidden City, which is now more impenetrable than ever. Access to this city-within-a-city is completely controlled by a Byzantine bureaucracy of eunuchs. You are standing in a small park just south of Peking's main gate and just north of a roadside shrine. The road leads off to the east. >n Marketplace This marketplace in the heart of the old city is crowded day and night with merchants and housewives You are standing just south of the gate of the Forbidden City. >n You go a little way north until you come to the gate outside the Forbidden City, which is guarded by an effeminate-looking eunuch. Tienanmen Square You are standing outside the Forbidden City, private domain of the Chinese emperor. It is rumored that the 'Son of Heaven' lives amidst fabulous wealth, but entry to the compound is prohibited to all but the favored few. The marketplace lies behind you to the south, and further progress to the north is blocked by the eunuch. >give seal to man The guard takes the seal from you and examines it carefully. Then his eyes widen and he disappears into the Forbidden City. Moments later, he reappears and leads you through the gates. You pass through a series of pavilions and courtyards until you reach the Hall of Heavenly Peace. Climbing the ceremonial stairs, you find yourself standing before the dragon throne. The emperor looks first at the seal and then at you. "My honorable ancestor was in debt to your honorable ancestor," he says. "It will be my privilege to repay that debt." He claps his hands, and some servants wheel out a huge box. "This was left here generations ago by a traveller from a distant land and it has remained unopened since that time. I give the box and all it contains to you." Forbidden City You are in the Hall of Supreme Harmony at the center of the Forbidden City. The ancient emperor Chien Lung sits upon a gilded throne that rests on large carved dragons. He is surrounded by his courtiers, eunuchs, priests, and ministers. The only way out is to the south. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >open box The walls of the box fall flat and reveal a smaller box inside. >open box The walls of the box fall flat and reveal a smaller box inside. >open box The walls of the box fall flat and reveal a smaller box inside. >open box The walls of the box fall flat and reveal a smaller box inside. >open box The tiny box falls open and reveals a small jade bar. >look at bar The bar is delicately carved with the legend "You act like you bought your brains at a five and ten cent store." What makes the words unusual is that they are written in modern English. [Your score has just gone up by 1.] >s Marketplace This marketplace in the heart of the old city is crowded day and night with merchants and housewives You are standing just south of the gate of the Forbidden City. >s Tientan Park You are standing in a small park just south of Peking's main gate and just north of a roadside shrine. The road leads off to the east. >s Shrine You are in a small roadside shrine just outside the gates of Peking. The wall here seems to shimmer. >in You press the button on the wristlet and the shimmering melts away to reveal a black rectangle that hovers in midair. You step through the hole in space and find yourself inside the interkron. Interkron The interkron is a cramped space full of dials and switches. Directly in front of you is a slot with a key card in it and a green light next to it. The display screen is taken up by a world map, and there are ten years highlighted next to it. Under the keyboard, a technician has scrawled on a piece of t ape, "To go to a new timeplace, type 'timeset,' followed by the name of the city and the year that you want to go to. Eg. Timeset Rome 44." >ts baghdad 800 You hear a low humming that slowly crescendos into a full-fledged roar. The interkron begins to shake and you become disoriented. You fall to the floor and pass out... When you awaken and struggle to your feet, you realize that you have travelled to Baghdad, in the year 800. >out Secluded Cave You are in an abandoned cave on a hillside halfway between the ruins of Babylon and the burgeoning metropolis of Baghdad. The wall of the cave seems to shimmer, and the only exit lies to t he west. >w Caravan Trail When the Arabs rode out of the desert carrying the banner of Islam, the new religion quickly conquered all of Persia. They built a new capital along the shores of the Tigris, and less than two hundred years after the prophet Mohammed's death, Baghdad has become the center of the vast Islamic empire which stretches from Spain across all of Northern Africa to India and western China. The ruler of this empire is Harun al-Rashid, the legendary sultan of 1001 Arabian Nights. You are on a north-south road in the middle of nowhere. A caravan has stopped here to rest, as they have done since time immemorial. The travellers are ignoring you and their attitude suggests that you would be well advised to do the same. Up the hill to the east lies the entrance to a cave. >n Selene Gate You are standing outside the walls of Baghdad in front of the massive Selene Gate. The gate is beautifully decorated with intricate designs that pilgrims come from all over the Middle East to see. >n You enter the city and wind through the streets until you come to a bustling bazaar. Bazaar Baghdad's bazaar is a riot of noise and confusion. Brightly colored awnings spill over one another, covering stalls stuffed with carpets, oriental silks, cooking pots, spices, figs, knives, fruit and countless other merchandise. Merchants cry out in a never-ending chant beseeching passersby to sample their wares. Veiled women finger the goods, shake their heads, and walk on. Young boys playing tag run through the crowds and trip over the dogs, pigs, and goats that also run free. The wall of the sultan's palace forms the western end of the bazaar, and a road leaves town to the south. A beggar sits in the shadow of the gate to the sultan's palace, his arms outstretched in a silent plea for food. >Give focaccia to beggar The beggar takes the bread and gobbles it down hungrily. Then he leaps to his feet and throws off his beggar's rags to reveal prince's robes. "Thank you, stranger. I am the sultan Harun al Rashid. From time to time I go among my people dressed in disguise to learn more about them. Today since sunrise I have sat in the bazaar and asked all passersby for nothing more than a morsel to eat. The people of my own city could not find it in their hearts to help me. But you, a stranger among us, have shown us what it means to be compassionate. Therefore, I will give you the honor of assisting me with a most perplexing problem. Come with me." The sultan raps on the palace gate and a guard comes to open it. The sultan takes you by the arm and leads you inside. Sultan's Palace The sultan's palace is sumptuous beyond belief. Beautifully woven carpets with intricate designs cushion your footsteps, the walls are covered with brightly colored silks, and everywhere you look there is brass and silver and gold. An or nate staircase leads north up to the harem, the entrance to which is guarded by an enormous eunuch. The Grand Vizier is here, a vain man dressed in a ridiculous multi-colored costume that he seems to think is the height of fashion. The vizier is wearing a bracelet. The Vizier pops a fig in his mouth and bows to the sultan, but he ignores you. [Your score has just gone up by 10.] >Look at Yahya's clothes They are a garish collection of clashing colors. His turban is red, his sash orange and his pantaloons are yellow. He is also wearing a blue armband, green gloves, and purple slippers. The sultan says, "Look, Yahya, I have found a man who can help us." He turns to you and continues. "You see, I have a rather delicate prob..." He stops in mid-sentence. "But what am I thinking? Where are my manners? Please take some time to make yourself comfortable here. If you decide you wish to help me, just nod your head or say yes. Otherwise, you are free to go."